Monday, February 16, 2015

Lesson 1b
 1. Using World Book Online Kids, search for information on a mammal of your choice. Find a picture and information about its habitat.
Once again I choose the fox . I found that the public library edition was very user friendly with a pictures and options for translating the text and having the text read aloud. This would be very helpful for ESL students and beginning readers.

 2. Using World Book Online Info Finder, search for information on the same mammal you searched in World Book Kids and compare the amount of information.
I found this site to be very informative.  Students who were doing a report could find many resources
on this subject. It included a Facts Table, a save to my research option, double click option to define words, and the lexile level is also displayed in the upper left hand corner.  Very appropriate for 4th thru 8th grade.

 3. Using World Book Online Reference Center, search for a country. Notice the types of information available on the left and right side bars of the first results screen. Click on the link for your desired country, and again notice the types of information on the left and right side bars of the screen. What types of information will be most valuable to your patrons.

I chose Sweden as my country to search. On the first results screen I found the maps and tables the most interesting. There is a wealth of information listed.
After clicking on the link for Sweden the information was broken down into more specific sections.
It included a Facts Table which I thought gave an overview of the most important things to know about Sweden. Again, I really like to the save to my research option, I think that would be a very helpful tool for anyone doing research.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for investigating and reporting on these, Librarianlil. Please note that the article content in these is the same as in the School Edition modules, but some of the features are different. You are welcome to use both!
