Friday, April 3, 2015

Lesson 5 Proquest

 1. Do a basic search on something of interest to you. Report your findings and observations.

For this assignment I chose to research classroom management for new teachers.
I found that I had to keep narrowing down my search to make it manageable.
I really like the feature of choosing a specific date range. This allowed me to select the most
current ideas and information. There were 8401 results on this topic in the last two years.

The create alert feature would be very helpful if you were researching a medical condition.
I plan to use the Proquest site in the future just for this purpose. I found the amount of information somewhat overwhelming, I think you would have to keep redefining your search.

 1.a. See what your Challenge cohort is discovering. Choose at least one other Challenge blog, read that person's post (about this or a pious lesson), and comment on it. You may like to check each other's blogs throughout the Challenge as you learn together.

I looked at several other posts. I found many have not started the challenge or were not to this lesson yet. I did find some that have finished already though and they each have provided great information.

 2. Click the Publications tab at the top of the page. You will see an alphabetical list of the periodicals indexed in Proquest and the years included. Notice that this list is "Full text only." Do a search for a journal in your profession by typing a title or keyword in the search box. Report your findings and observations.

I typed in a search for librarian, two publications showed up.
Next I searched Library and 29 publications came up.
The options to save to research, email, print and export would be so helpful for teachers and students alike.

1 comment:

  1. Good work here, librarianlil! Yes, the ability to narrow your search right there in the basic search results is a real plus. We like to show you the publications tab for professional reading purposes. One of your results there should have been School Library Journal, which you can read cover to cover! Thanks for your post.
